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The project seeks to provide the blind with easy access to Scriptures in Braille, audio, large print format and magnifier glass to champion for their inclusion in Church activities and promote Braille literacy. It is expected that persons with visual impairment will be motivated and challenged to be witnesses for Christ, involve in Church activities such as leadership roles, taking Scriptural readings or singing in the church choirs and equipping them with literacy skills to aid to in Bible reading.

This project is to provide the libraries of the 10 PVD institutions in the country with Braille scripture materials including HIV education materials, braille papers for schools, local literature in braille materials, mega voice audio scripture devices all designed for children in primary to senior high schools.

This project also seeks to create awareness of PVD needs in Churches and Communities through the development of braille materials in Bible Week selections and other Church materials. It will seek to partner with University of Ghana to explore the development and printing of local alphabetisation of braille literatures.